What is #BeCOME?
BeCOME is a simple to remember and actionable framework on how to Be an ally, a leader and an agent of change to disrupt the status quo and drive for gender equity. There are four simple actions that anyone can take to make a difference.
Connecting is all about creating access, connecting into the network, giving women access to you and to each other through your connections. This is networking at its best and working wth intention.
This is about examining and adjusting your recruiting practices, your hiring practices and your supplier selection practices to ensure that you are screening in for diversity and not screening out diversity. it is about removing the systemic bias that might exist in your process through referral programs, vetting programs and criteria development.
Being an active mentor is working with even more intentionality, once you have connected with women in your network and committed to building succession plans, sponsorship and a non-bias selection process, to mentor and coach the women in your network and organization. Helping these women to benefit from your experience and enabling them to be successful.
Step four is the most impactful, intentional action you can take. Empowering another individual is about creating an environment that is inclusive by design. Enabling every individual in your network and your organization to speak up, be heard, be seen and show up as their authentic selves.